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  • US $50,000+
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5.0 /5
매우 만족
  • 공급업체 서비스
  • 정시 배송
  • 제품 품질
First of all these shoes are really comfortable and there’s no question about that. I really love these shoes! I’m giving this five stars and five smiling faces. I’ve read a lot of comments but these are my opinions: 1. Comfortability 100% - you need to get your right size and fittings or else you would get your finger toes blisters and callus/corn. Make sure to have at least half an inch gap from the steel toe. That’s recommended. Thicker socks will help too and will make it more comfortable and will feel wearing it like a normal shoe. Plus it’s light weight. 2. Anti slip - You can tell right away from the bottom that these shoes are not that anti-anti slip proof but you should know what and where are you working and gonna use it for. Not advisable for wet floor/ground, floor/ground with sand or pebbles that could cause slips. Works well with esd/laminated floors and warehouse.
    First of all these shoes are really comfortable and there’s no question about that. I really love these shoes! I’m giving this five stars and five smiling faces. I’ve read a lot of comments but these are my opinions: 1. Comfortability 100% - you need to get your right size and fittings or else you would get your finger toes blisters and callus/corn. Make sure to have at least half an inch gap from the steel toe. That’s recommended. Thicker socks will help too and will make it more comfortable and will feel wearing it like a normal shoe. Plus it’s light weight. 2. Anti slip - You can tell right away from the bottom that these shoes are not that anti-anti slip proof but you should know what and where are you working and gonna use it for. Not advisable for wet floor/ground, floor/ground with sand or pebbles that could cause slips. Works well with esd/laminated floors and warehouse.
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